Saturday, September 2, 2006

It's Official!!

We've decided on our daughter's name. Feng Yu Quan is soon to be known as Dorisa Quan-Yu.
The Calls!

Here is our video of false alarm calls on referral day. This is the version that is edited for language. If you want to see the NC-17 version, just give us a holler!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Referral Announcement

My online adoption buddy, Ashley, made this beautiful announcement of Dori's referral!! I did so well not blubbering during the call and when we saw Dori's pic, but I totally lost it when I saw this beautiful artwork! Thanks Ashley!!!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

About our Daughter

Today we got our packet from our agency. It had all the more paperwork from China translated, as well as two more pictures of Dorisa. She is wearing the same outfit, so we know it was taken on the same day. The pictures and medical exam were done on approximately May 24th, which would have been when Dori was 5.5 months old. Her stats are below the pics.

Aren't these cute???

Feng (orphanage/city name) Yu (rain) Quan (spring)
Born Dec 6, 2005
Height: 24.41” Weight: 15.5#
Head: 16.54” Chest: 16.34”
All tests were recorded as normal/negative

She is a light sleeper and gets up at 6:30am, takes a 1 hour nap, and goes to bed at 9:30pm. She eats every 4 hours. Diet includes milk or rice based formula, noodles, rice porridge, steamed bread, steamed eggs, soup, soft rice, crackers, and apples. Her favorite activity is being held and talked to. Her favorite toy is a colorful rattle.

She was brought to the orphanage on Dec 8 (2 days old) and went into foster care the next day. She holds up her head while on her tummy, grasps toys near hand, and uses thumb and index fingers deftly.
She locates direction of sound/voice, holds blocks on each hand at the same time, looks for a dropped toy, bangs 2 blocks together, and visually follows moving toys.
Personality is described as active, fond of listening to music, likes to play with toys, quick in reaction, and obstinate sometimes.

Sounds like she will fit in with our family quite well, but definately hold her own!!!

Monday, August 28, 2006

It's a GIRL!!!!!!

We got the call about an hour ago, but had to wait for the pic to come through email!

Feng Yu (rain) Quan (spring)
DOB 12/6/05
Feng Cheng, Jiangxi